<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Single Object Property

You can access live data and live status data of single objects using the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API).

icon-i-round-redAuthentication with username and passhash (or username and password) must always be included in each PRTG API request. See section Authentication for more information.

Here are quick links for ease of use.

Property/Setting of an Object

You can get the properties or settings of an object (name, hostname, url) using the following API calls.

icon-i-roundBecause properties may contain HTML content, we recommend that you include &show=nohtmlencode in all getobjectproperty API calls.


Get an object property/setting:


icon-i-roundFor propertyname, look at the name of the INPUT fields while editing an object. The propertyname parameter can be discerned by opening the Settings page of an object and looking at the HTML source of the INPUT fields. For example, the INPUT field for the tags of an object has the name tags_. Leave away the _ and use the rest (tags) as a value for the propertyname parameter.
Get a list of all tags for object id 1003


The XML result looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Supported Object Types

getobjectproperty.htm supports the following object types:

  • probe
  • group
  • device
  • sensor
  • channel
  • library
  • map
  • notification
  • report
  • schedule
  • user account

getobjectproperty.htm does not support the object types ticket and user group.

Property of a Channel

With this API call, you can get a sensor's channels settings, for example channel limits. In general, this works like getting properties of any other object. To get channel properties via the API, you need to provide

  • the ID of a sensor (parameter id)
  • a subtype (channel for channels), and
  • a subid (ID of the channel you want to edit)

icon-i-roundBecause properties may contain HTML content, we recommend that you include &show=nohtmlencode in all getobjectproperty API calls.


Get a channel limit


For example, the following API call gets the upper warning limit of a channel with the ID 0 of a sensor with the ID 1003


The XML result looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Channels—Available Parameters

Channels: Available Parameters

Name of INPUT field

Settings Name (as displayed in the web Interface)




Limit disabled or enabled (0 or 1)


Upper Error Limit


Upper Warning Limit


Lower Warning Limit


Lower Error Limit


Error Limit Message


Warning Limit Message


Knowledge Base: How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


Application Programming Interface (API) Definition—Topics
